Oddities and paradoxes of the Berlin park Tiergarten
Tiergarten Park can not help but like. One of the largest parks in the world,…

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Holidays in Portugal are beautiful all year round.
In the past, almost all travel, many of which ended with the same great geographical…


Holidays in Greece
Greece can be described as a “paradise” for all recreational areas, thanks to its relief:…


Holiday resorts in Mexico
Let's talk about Mexico. Why is she so attractive? It wonderfully combines picturesque beaches and…

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primarily attracted

In the centre of Europe

By the number of monuments listed in the UNESCO organization, the Czech Republic occupies one of the first places in the world. The collection of so many attractions on such a small territory as the Czech Republic is unique even for a European state. There are 12 objects of cultural heritage of UNESCO, and, among them, the historical centers of Prague, Cesky Krumlov and Kutna Hory. Continue reading

Saqqara is an archaeological monument located on the west coast of the Nile River, 30…


Mysterious country of fairy tales - India
One of the most amazing and unusual countries in the world is India! It amazes…


Holidays on the Dominican coast
Beautiful coast with mild tropical climate, clear and warm sea, with a bright and diverse…
