Holidays on the Dominican coast
Beautiful coast with mild tropical climate, clear and warm sea, with a bright and diverse…

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Bhutan - the land of the dragon thunder in the Himalayas
Bhutan is a small mountainous country in the Eastern Himalayas, between Tibet (China) and India.…


To the museum - by boat!
And why, interestingly, not by bus, tram or car? And all because in this amazing…


The most unusual natural sights of Brazil
Brazil is a country of unusual natural attractions: huge waterfalls, amazing deserts, swamps and jungles,…

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huddled together


Saqqara is an archaeological monument located on the west coast of the Nile River, 30 km south of Cairo. This is the largest eight-kilometer necropolis of Memphis – a city that was once the capital of Egypt. Many dynasties of the rulers of the Country of the Pyramids are buried here. The necropolis Sakkara is named in honor of the god Sokkara.


Most of the population of Egypt professes the Islamic religion. The mosques of Cairo (and this city is the center of the Arab-Muslim culture of Egypt) are the most outstanding monuments of Egyptian Muslim culture and architecture. No wonder romantic travelers once called Cairo “a city of a thousand minarets.”
Blue domes Continue reading

Holidays in Vietnam

Vietnam is a very diverse country with a developing economy, which it will be interesting to visit both investors and the ordinary tourist, which Vietnam will amaze with its ancient culture, exoticism and sights.
Vietnam is located on the Indochina peninsula, in Southeast Asia. The country is located on the coast of the South China Sea, most of the territory is occupied by mountains, islands, as well as two archipelagoes – Chyongsha and Hoangsha. Continue reading