Holidays on the Dominican coast
Beautiful coast with mild tropical climate, clear and warm sea, with a bright and diverse…

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Traveling light: how to get by on hand luggage on the plane
Quite often, the air ticket becomes almost two times cheaper if the passenger flies without…


Wedding celebrations in the cities of legends
Wedding is one of the most important events in our life. Naturally, we want the…


Holidays in Portugal are beautiful all year round.
In the past, almost all travel, many of which ended with the same great geographical…

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In the centre of Europe

By the number of monuments listed in the UNESCO organization, the Czech Republic occupies one of the first places in the world. The collection of so many attractions on such a small territory as the Czech Republic is unique even for a European state. There are 12 objects of cultural heritage of UNESCO, and, among them, the historical centers of Prague, Cesky Krumlov and Kutna Hory.
Prague Castle – the fortress of the city of Prague, the center of the capital, the administrative district of the city, the largest presidential residence in the world in the world, perhaps also the largest castle in the world. Located in Hradcany on a high hill, towering over Prague. Exceptionally rich in architectural, artistic and historical treasures. During its existence, Prague Castle repeatedly undergone fires, destruction and attacks of enemy troops. As a result, much in its appearance has changed since its construction.
Tourists who spend their holidays in the Czech Republic, primarily attracted by the majestic Gothic Cathedral of St. Vitus, which is family cryptPrague Castle. A literary description only in a small part can give an idea of ​​the external grandeur and internal splendor of the cathedral, and yet … It is believed that the history of this magnificent piece of architecture, completed only in 1929, began in 926, when Prince Wenceslas dedicated the original rotunda . Vita. More than a hundred years later, a Romanesque basilica appeared here, on the site of which, in the first half of the 14th century, construction of the Gothic cathedral began. The cathedral was supposed to be a place for a coronation, a family crypt, a treasury, but construction was delayed for 1000 years. The epochs passed, the ruling dynasties took turns …
The project of the cathedral was developed by Mathieu of Arras, a French architect, invited to Prague by Charles IV himself. He also began to build the eastern part of the structure. The choir of the cathedral reached an impressive size: length – 47 m and height – 39 m. In 1359, Peter Parléř began to lead the construction, giving the building features of German Gothic. From 1399 to 1420 continued the construction of the sons of Peter Parler – Jan, Wenceslas and Peter. Under their leadership, choirs were completed and construction began on the main tower right up to the bypass gallery. The main tower with bells, completed in the second half of the 16th century by G. Tirolle and B. Wolmuth, rises above the temple, reaching 99 m. It houses the largest Czech bell tower Sigismund (16th century).
In 1872, J. Moker completed the construction of an architectural monument. He adhered to the plans of Peter Parler, while he paid particular attention to the western part of the church, where the Novogothic features are pronounced. At the same time, construction began on the portal, completed by architect K. Gilbert in 1929. In the same year, a thousand years after St. Wenceslas, the temple was consecrated. The facade, bounded by two towers, is a masterpiece of the new-gothic architecture. It is distinguished by rich decorations that attract attention primarily to the central window rosette and portal. This is the result of the work to complete the construction of the temple, which continued in the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century.

Brazilian Carnivals and Carnival in Rio de Janeiro
Brazil is considered to be the country of carnivals, in many of its cities are…


Safaga is a resort in Egypt which is located near the well-known Hurghada. Excursions from…


Safaga is a resort in Egypt which is located near the well-known Hurghada. Excursions from…
