UAE: a journey through the cities
The United Arab Emirates consists of seven emirates, each of which has its own laws,…

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What to take on vacation in the Crimea?
Every time, when going on vacation, we are faced with a dilemma, how not to…


Holidays in Vietnam
Vietnam is a very diverse country with a developing economy, which it will be interesting…


The Suez Canal is an artificial sea route in Egypt that separates Eurasia from Africa.…

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Ceylon: customs and foundations of modern Sri Lanka

In Sri Lanka, in general, a poor Asian country, surprisingly high, even by European standards, the life expectancy of the population – an average of 75 years (73 for men and 77 for women). This fact is a good reason for tourists visiting Sri Lanka to carefully look at how people live on their exotic island, to the customs and foundations of their life.
Ceylon: customs and foundations of modern Sri Lanka Continue reading

What is a timeshare, and what types it is

The term “timeshare” (literally “time sharing”) is most often used in the tourism business. And here it means co-ownership of real estate in resort places. These can be rooms in hotels, boarding houses, holiday homes, etc.
What is a timeshare, and what types it is
The idea of ​​a timeshare is. You can not afford to buy real estate in an expensive foreign resort: expensive, and taxes have to pay a lot. But you can buy ownership for a period from one week to 51st a year. Continue reading


The Suez Canal is an artificial sea route in Egypt that separates Eurasia from Africa. For nearly 150 years, it has been used for the shortest transportation of goods from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean.
Channel traffic
Suez Canal on the map is very easy to find. It connects the Mediterranean with the Red. On the one side of the Suez Canal is the port city of Port Said (on the Mediterranean coast), and on the other – Suez (on the Red Sea coast). He “cuts” the narrowest part of the Suez Isthmus. Continue reading

Mysterious country of fairy tales - India
One of the most amazing and unusual countries in the world is India! It amazes…


Rest in the Altai Mountains
All on Altai! In the Altai Mountains! Perhaps it is from this appeal should start…


Holidays on the Dominican coast
Beautiful coast with mild tropical climate, clear and warm sea, with a bright and diverse…
