Top 10 tourist places of Ukraine in the summer
Are you tired of the “hackneyed” resorts of Turkey, and seeing the sights of western…

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Bali Tours: Visit Paradise Island!
The evergreen Indonesian island of Bali attracts travelers like a magnet. And all thanks to…


Holiday in Thailand
After a long work requires rest. It is best to hold it not only interesting,…


9 topical travel insurance questions
Travel Security Often the vouchers are bought in advance, for several months of the trip,…

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parking lot


Saqqara is an archaeological monument located on the west coast of the Nile River, 30 km south of Cairo. This is the largest eight-kilometer necropolis of Memphis – a city that was once the capital of Egypt. Many dynasties of the rulers of the Country of the Pyramids are buried here. The necropolis Sakkara is named in honor of the god Sokkara.