5 incredible places to see in Turkey
Turkey is able to charm and fall in love with the first trip Tours to…

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Sunbathing on Egyptian beaches and swimming in the warm sea, do not forget about the…


Holiday in Thailand
After a long work requires rest. It is best to hold it not only interesting,…


Places in Jerusalem, which do not know the "package" tourists
Jerusalem is a city with almost three thousand years of history. Located at the crossroads…

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Useful tips for tourists traveling in Asia

To rest in colorful Asia did not cause you harm to health, did not empty the wallet and did not spoil the mood, you should follow some simple rules of conduct.
Certainly for each country has its own particular nuances, but there are also common for all of Asia, which are better to follow.
Traveling around Asia
How to avoid becoming a victim of food poisoning Continue reading

Bhutan - the land of the dragon thunder in the Himalayas
Bhutan is a small mountainous country in the Eastern Himalayas, between Tibet (China) and India.…


Useful tips for tourists traveling in Asia
To rest in colorful Asia did not cause you harm to health, did not empty…


The White Desert in Egypt (White Desert) is one of the numerous national reserves of…
