Top 10 tourist places of Ukraine in the summer
Are you tired of the “hackneyed” resorts of Turkey, and seeing the sights of western…

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Season of jellyfish in Tunisia
All the resorts of Tunisia are located on the Mediterranean Sea. As well as throughout…


Holidays on the Dominican coast
Beautiful coast with mild tropical climate, clear and warm sea, with a bright and diverse…


Season of jellyfish in Tunisia
All the resorts of Tunisia are located on the Mediterranean Sea. As well as throughout…

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Great Lent

Brazilian Carnivals and Carnival in Rio de Janeiro

Brazil is considered to be the country of carnivals, in many of its cities are held their own carnivals, but one of the most famous in the world and the most spectacular, it is, of course, the carnival in Rio de Janeiro.
Brazilian carnivals
This grand event takes place in the month of February, and how exactly, we learn from this article.
The Brazilian Carnival (Carnaval do Brasil) is an annual festival held in many cities in Brazil 40 days before Easter, marking the beginning of Lent. During Lent, Roman Catholics refrain from any bodily pleasures. That is why the Brazilian carnival, as an act of parting with pleasure, takes place on the eve of fasting. Continue reading