The most unusual natural sights of Brazil
Brazil is a country of unusual natural attractions: huge waterfalls, amazing deserts, swamps and jungles,…

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Why tours don't include fuel surcharges and why pay for it
The fuel surcharge for the tour surprises and even upsets experienced tourists. Surcharge is often…


Ceylon: customs and foundations of modern Sri Lanka
In Sri Lanka, in general, a poor Asian country, surprisingly high, even by European standards,…


Holidays on the Dominican coast
Beautiful coast with mild tropical climate, clear and warm sea, with a bright and diverse…

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Dominican Republic

To the museum – by boat!

And why, interestingly, not by bus, tram or car? And all because in this amazing European city of passengers from the number of local residents and numerous groups of tourists carry only river buses. You can, of course, take advantage of the river taxi, but a trip on it will cost many times more! It is better to give preference to the historical mode of transport – a multimeter black boat. It is called the gondola and serves mainly foreign tourists. Continue reading

UAE: a journey through the cities

The United Arab Emirates consists of seven emirates, each of which has its own laws, attractions and history. The most popular emirates are Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah.
The most picturesque city in the Middle East – Dubai. Weaving antiquity and modernity give the city individuality. Dubai is divided by a water channel through which a water taxi runs. Continue reading