Why tours don't include fuel surcharges and why pay for it
The fuel surcharge for the tour surprises and even upsets experienced tourists. Surcharge is often…

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Top 5 islands of Thailand for night parties
Thailand is one of the best places for lovers of noisy parties. Every year millions…


Holidays in Vietnam
Vietnam is a very diverse country with a developing economy, which it will be interesting…


Useful tips for tourists traveling in Asia
To rest in colorful Asia did not cause you harm to health, did not empty…

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disinfecting hands

Season of jellyfish in Tunisia

All the resorts of Tunisia are located on the Mediterranean Sea. As well as throughout the coast, there are practically no killer jellyfish, but white aurelia and blue cornea are frequent guests. Their burns can be fatal only if the victim has an individual intolerance to the jellyfish venom.
In all other cases, the sensation will be similar to a severe burn of nettle. However, there is no benefit to the body from the jellyfish burn, and in order to have only positive impressions of a beach holiday in Tunisia, it is important to choose the right resort not only, but also the month for the trip.
Jellyfish do not inhabit the Tunisian shores all year round, but only in a certain season, when they are brought in by a warm current. Continue reading

Holidays in Greece

Greece can be described as a “paradise” for all recreational areas, thanks to its relief: the Greek landscape is an alternation of rocky mountains, densely populated valleys, numerous islands, straits and bays.
Holidays in Greece are picturesque rocks, plains, beaches, exotic grottoes, which provide tremendous opportunities for complete physical and mental relaxation, both at sea and in the mountains. Thanks to this morphology of the land, all types of tourism are developed here, ranging from beach, sea, medical (including hippotherapy), sports and social to agro and ecotourism (National parks, reserves and wetlands), as well as alternative, mountain, winter and etc., with the result that the country can receive visitors all year round. Continue reading

What to take on vacation in the Crimea?

Every time, when going on vacation, we are faced with a dilemma, how not to forget what is necessary, necessary, pleasant, but not to gain too much. This article will help you cope with this difficult task. It lists those things that are useful to you on vacation.
After studying the information about the place of the upcoming holiday, you can make it more meaningful and rich. Continue reading

Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh, where better?
When they talk about holidays in Egypt, Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh, the two largest tourist…


Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh, where better?
When they talk about holidays in Egypt, Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh, the two largest tourist…


Holiday resorts in Mexico
Let's talk about Mexico. Why is she so attractive? It wonderfully combines picturesque beaches and…
