China: Amazing Hong Kong
Former British Crown subject Hong Kong became the original Manhattan of Asia. Hong Kong is…

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Sri Lanka - the island of elephants, tea and Buddhism
The island of Sri Lanka is rightly called the pearl of the Indian Ocean. Even…


Mysterious country of fairy tales - India
One of the most amazing and unusual countries in the world is India! It amazes…


UAE: a journey through the cities
The United Arab Emirates consists of seven emirates, each of which has its own laws,…

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all kinds

The amazing sights of Nepal: Dakshinkali Temple

Nepalese are very religious. It is believed that most of the population in Nepal professes Hinduism, although in fact the inhabitants of this country have created some kind of mixture of Buddhist beliefs, Hinduism and tantric rites. A small part of the population professes Islam, shamanism and Christianity.
The main attractions of Nepal are the highest mountains (Himalayas), national parks and temples, of which there are many.
Dakshinkali Temple Continue reading

Top 5 islands of Thailand for night parties

Thailand is one of the best places for lovers of noisy parties. Every year millions of young tourists go to the country to visit beach bars and night clubs …
Top 5 islands of Thailand for night parties
Entertainment after sunset offers all the cities and towns of the Thais, but there are five tropical islands on the Land of Smiles, which are particularly popular. Lovers of tumultuous parties better prepare in advance for what will have to get home after having fun on foot or call a taxi in Thailand. Even in crowded places it is not too pleasant to wander around tired in the dark. The next step is to choose an island where the best parties are offered.
Phangan nightlife Continue reading


Sunbathing on Egyptian beaches and swimming in the warm sea, do not forget about the amazing sights of the country of the pyramids. One of the most interesting cities in Egypt, attracting travelers from around the globe, is Hurghada. Exotic places of this city, informative excursions, a lot of new impressions – that is why it is worth to come here.

Holidays in Portugal are beautiful all year round.
In the past, almost all travel, many of which ended with the same great geographical…


Why tours don't include fuel surcharges and why pay for it
The fuel surcharge for the tour surprises and even upsets experienced tourists. Surcharge is often…


Useful tips for tourists traveling in Asia
To rest in colorful Asia did not cause you harm to health, did not empty…
