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Secrets of spa mud

The resort Berdyansk belongs to the complex resorts with unique natural healing factors.
As one of the very active natural remedies, mud has a long history.
The healing biological effects of Berdyansk mud in different years have been the subject of in-depth study of scientific medical centers: the Ukrainian Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology, the All-Union Scientific Center of Medical Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy (Moscow), the Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy, the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, the Institute of Hygiene and Medical Ecology. Marzeeva.
In 1915, on the instructions of the Berdyansk City Government, Yevgeny Samoylovich Burkser, professor, doctor of chemical sciences, was studying the density of the brine, composition and radioactivity of the mud of the Berdyansk lakes. The first fundamental work of E.S. Burkser “Physical properties of therapeutic mud” (awarded the OO Mochutkovsky Prize in 1918) is devoted to the study of viscosity of silt mud.
The healing properties of the Berdyansk mud are multifaceted for humans – after all, the natural force of the Earth heals! The dirt of the Berdyansk field is characterized by high heat capacity and low thermal conductivity, plasticity, high bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties. In addition, therapeutic mud contains a complex complex of lipids and their fractions with a powerful anti-inflammatory action. They contain organic compounds-enzymes, hormones.
Muds are applied in the form of mud applications.
mud baths, mud swabs, electrophoresis of the mud itself and its extraction.
Healing mud Berdyansk affect all body functions: blood circulation, respiration, metabolism. The venous blood circulation is improved, peripheral resistance in the vessels is reduced, the contractility of the muscles of the heart, the blood supply of the blood vessels, especially the small arteries and capillaries, are improved. Dirt actively influences the restoration of bone tissue in fractures, converts the structure of the bone. Thermal effect is also important – the dirt gives off heat for a long time during the procedure, contributes to the warming of adjacent tissues, exerting a therapeutic effect on them, expands blood vessels locally, improves lymphatic drainage, increases metabolic processes in the tissues, which is especially important for metabolic disorders, inflammatory processes, osteoporosis of the bone structure.
Silt sulfide mud has a high biological activity compared with other peloids due to the content of biogenic elements in them. In particular, hydrogen sulfide is contained in the form of “free” molecular hydrogen sulfide, iron sulfur compounds, and dissolved sulfides. Iron sulphide is the most active component, providing an increase in skin and muscle blood flow. The high concentration of silicon compounds provides good trophism of the skin. Vital trace elements increase the adaptive, immune and protective forces of the body.
One of the main aspects of the mechanism of therapeutic action of mud is the effect on the local inflammatory process. Causing hyperemia of tissues, improving trophism, blood circulation, metabolic processes, mud therapy promotes the resorption of inflammation products. Mud procedures contribute to the softening of scars, resorption of adhesions, stimulate recovery processes, accelerate the strengthening of callus, reduce stiffness and increase the amount of movement in the joints.
Mud therapy helps to normalize the motor and secretory activity of the stomach, normalize biliary excretion in chronic cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, improves trophism, increases immunological resistance.
The problem of treating chronic inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system, infertility in women and men remains one of the most pressing problems in gynecology and urology.
Due to the healing properties of the mud of the resort Berdyansk, the rich experience of treatment, the doctors managed to develop effective methods of complex spa treatment of these diseases.
Only the curative properties of Berdyansk peloids scientifically studied and confirmed by medical practice justify the hope and faith of man in nature!
Nowadays, more and more people choose a healthy lifestyle and disease prevention. The combination of professional skill with the healing powers of nature is the highest degree of doctor’s talent. As a natural therapeutic factor, sulphide silt mud has taken a firm place in the medical practice of physio-physiotherapists, balneologists and rehabilitators.