Useful tips for tourists traveling in Asia
To rest in colorful Asia did not cause you harm to health, did not empty…

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Useful tips for tourists traveling in Asia

To rest in colorful Asia did not cause you harm to health, did not empty the wallet and did not spoil the mood, you should follow some simple rules of conduct.
Certainly for each country has its own particular nuances, but there are also common for all of Asia, which are better to follow.
Traveling around Asia
How to avoid becoming a victim of food poisoning
According to WHO, southeast Asia was named a region with a high probability of poisoning when it comes to using local dishes. Every second European tourist, to one degree or another, experienced symptoms of poisoning while visiting this region.
In order not to fall into their number, one should not, of course, completely starve oneself. Do not miss all the gastronomic adventures just because of the fact that someone from the neighbors in the hotel was not lucky with the local dishes. Just stick to reasonable limits.
You should buy food, processing of which was carried out right in front of you. In the event that you transfer the seasonings, add peppers to the food. They disinfect it from germs. Especially good with this business copes. When buying local fruits, do not buy those that are not cleaned with you, but upon arrival at the hotel, try to wash them with boiled water.
About water
Do not drink tap water in any Asian country! Even while brushing your teeth, use bottled water, which you personally purchased closed.
Outside of tourist centers, where sanitary standards may be completely absent, try to avoid drinks with ice, the quality of which you can not be absolutely sure.
In general, make it a rule to consume only bottled water. Do not ignore these recommendations.
In order to remember this simple rule forever, we advise you to turn your attention to the muddy yellow-sand waters of a large part of large rivers in Asia, in comparison with which the waters of our Moscow River seem very transparent.
How to deal with cash in Asia
In order not to become a victim of local thieves, and not be left without means of livelihood at once, separate your financial assets and credit cards.
Do not store them together in the same wallet. Get the second wallet, share the money with a companion. Use the safe in the hotel room, or leave large sums in the safe at the reception.
Use credit cards more often, taking small amounts for the next expenses.
Split the money on different credit cards and do not forget to warn your bank that they intend to use the card while being outside the country so that it will not be blocked.
What medicine to take with you
No one guarantees you that when you travel to countries such as, say, India, China or Myanmar, you will not need medicine. You should not hope that you can buy them in local pharmacies.
Going here, take with you, as far as possible, a large list of drugs. Without fail, your first-aid kit must have anti-influenza, motion sickness, allergies, poisoning and pain remedies, as well as ear and eye drops.
Do not show their worth
If you are far from the main tourist routes, you should not show that you have some money savings with you.
In Asia, you are a priori richer than the absolute majority of the local population. Many local thieves will be honored for themselves, rob you. Do not flaunt jewelry, do not show off your expensive cameras and cell phones.
Large bills in advance exchange for small, and valuable purchases keep in different packages.
About the benefits of copies of documents
Loss of documents will entail the procedure for establishing your identity in the consulate of the Russian Federation. And it will be easier to survive, with the presentation of a copy of your passports, visas, return tickets, insurance.
You should not carry with yourself the scanned sheets of these documents, send them a photo to your e-mail. This is a more reliable way.
About attitude to strangers
If in your travels in Asia you are faced with a manifestation of friendliness, then this is not a cause for concern, feel free to write it off as a manifestation of the local mentality.
Worry is, when such complacency becomes too intrusive.
If you are offered to get in the car and give you a lift to the right place, refuse obsessive services and assistance.
If you really need them, then feel the line between sincere help and deception, and do not step over it.
Fashionable rental of scooters and motorcycles in the resorts of Southeast Asia very often ends with an accident. Especially when blood cocktails are raging.
Do not neglect the elementary rules of personal safety in the form of a helmet. And do not drive after the alcohol. Find out if your insurance covers the possibility of treating injuries that may be incurred in an accident. Take our advice seriously. Often at stake is life, and not only yours, but also other people.
Enjoy your holiday!

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