In the centre of Europe
By the number of monuments listed in the UNESCO organization, the Czech Republic occupies one…

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Tourist and resort Greece - the union of ancient shrines and modern resorts
Speaking about the resorts of Greece, usually refer to the coastal cities and islands. From…


Holidays on the Dominican coast
Beautiful coast with mild tropical climate, clear and warm sea, with a bright and diverse…


Holidays in Israel
Israel is a country located in the Middle East. Different parts of Israel border on…

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Search for a companion: all by the rules

A very common and popular service today is the search for travel companions for joint travel, both within your own country and abroad …
Search for a companion: all by the rules
This may be a sightseeing trip, a beach holiday, joint diving, rafting on a mountain river or hiking in the mountains. A company can be female, male, mixed. Often, families with children also turn to searching for travel companions in order to find like-minded people and create a friendly company.
A very popular category – looking for a companion for a romantic trip and sex. Usually such intentions are announced right away, but the details about the preferences of a potential partner should be clarified “with passion” so that the rest does not turn into a nightmare.
In most cases, fellow travelers are divided into two categories – financially independent and those who want to go on a journey and enjoy life at the expense of someone else. All this is negotiated before the trip. Some tourists are looking for a company to travel for other economic reasons, for example, to save on hotel or road accommodation.
To make the rest not hopelessly spoiled, take care in advance about your own awareness of your fellow traveler. Practice shows that it is better to search for a fellow traveler not at the last moment before the trip, but in advance, and most importantly, you should definitely meet in person before buying the tour.
It is easiest to search for a fellow traveler on the Internet, many websites provide such opportunities – among the many potential travel companions you can always find someone with whom you have a lot in common.
It is worth paying attention to how the account of the person you are interested in is created – the photos should be realistic, personal data should be detailed and detailed. At the very least, the person you choose should be sincere enough with you. If there is only one photograph and the person does not answer specific questions about his occupation, marital status, it is better to refuse to travel with such an accompanying person.
Those who can really keep you company on a trip have nothing to hide. As a rule, they are sociable, open-minded people, they do not hesitate to provide information about themselves, telephone number, email address, have experience of such joint trips and can give practical advice.
Even if the fellow traveler inspires confidence in you, still think of a way to ensure your safety during the trip – leave as much information as possible about your new friend (or friends) to your loved ones and agree, say, to briefly report daily on how and where you spend your time.

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Top 10 tourist places of Ukraine in the summer
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The beaches of Spain - spiritual relaxation
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