was consecrated
The Suez Canal is an artificial sea route in Egypt that separates Eurasia from Africa. For nearly 150 years, it has been used for the shortest transportation of goods from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean.
Channel traffic
Suez Canal on the map is very easy to find. It connects the Mediterranean with the Red. On the one side of the Suez Canal is the port city of Port Said (on the Mediterranean coast), and on the other – Suez (on the Red Sea coast). He “cuts” the narrowest part of the Suez Isthmus. Continue reading
Tourist and resort Greece – the union of ancient shrines and modern resorts
Speaking about the resorts of Greece, usually refer to the coastal cities and islands. From the resorts of mainland Greece, I would like to mention Attica, Peloponnese and Macedonia.
Attica – the Athenian Riviera. Athens is the birthplace of democracy, the capital of Greece and one of the most ancient cities on the planet. Many tourists stop in Athens for at least 2-3 days to visit Plaka, the Acropolis, Argolid and all the other sights, and only then go on holiday to the islands. Continue reading
Holidays on the Dominican coast
Beautiful coast with mild tropical climate, clear and warm sea, with a bright and diverse underwater world, excellent and very unusual cuisine, the hospitality of the locals – this is the Dominican Republic! The full name is Dominican Republic.
The state is located in the eastern part of Haiti, the western part of the island is occupied by the Republic of Haiti. Continue reading