Bali Tours: Visit Paradise Island!
The evergreen Indonesian island of Bali attracts travelers like a magnet. And all thanks to…

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Sri Lanka - the island of elephants, tea and Buddhism
The island of Sri Lanka is rightly called the pearl of the Indian Ocean. Even…


Places in Jerusalem, which do not know the "package" tourists
Jerusalem is a city with almost three thousand years of history. Located at the crossroads…


Holidays on the Dominican coast
Beautiful coast with mild tropical climate, clear and warm sea, with a bright and diverse…

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this place

What is a timeshare, and what types it is

The term “timeshare” (literally “time sharing”) is most often used in the tourism business. And here it means co-ownership of real estate in resort places. These can be rooms in hotels, boarding houses, holiday homes, etc.
What is a timeshare, and what types it is
The idea of ​​a timeshare is. You can not afford to buy real estate in an expensive foreign resort: expensive, and taxes have to pay a lot. But you can buy ownership for a period from one week to 51st a year. Continue reading

Places in Jerusalem, which do not know the “package” tourists

Jerusalem is a city with almost three thousand years of history. Located at the crossroads of cultures, civilizations and religions, it is one of the most important cities in the world. Thousands of foreigners come here every day, and travel agencies in vain offer guided tours of the holy places. That is why by noon in the Old City of Jerusalem crowds of tourists gather, closely watching the guides flags. To feel the special energy of the holy places, visit them before eight in the morning or after sunset, and in the afternoon explore those parts of the city, saturated with the spirit of antiquity, where there are never “package” tourists. Continue reading

Top 5 islands of Thailand for night parties

Thailand is one of the best places for lovers of noisy parties. Every year millions of young tourists go to the country to visit beach bars and night clubs …
Top 5 islands of Thailand for night parties
Entertainment after sunset offers all the cities and towns of the Thais, but there are five tropical islands on the Land of Smiles, which are particularly popular. Lovers of tumultuous parties better prepare in advance for what will have to get home after having fun on foot or call a taxi in Thailand. Even in crowded places it is not too pleasant to wander around tired in the dark. The next step is to choose an island where the best parties are offered.
Phangan nightlife Continue reading

Places in Jerusalem, which do not know the "package" tourists
Jerusalem is a city with almost three thousand years of history. Located at the crossroads…


Holidays in Vietnam
Vietnam is a very diverse country with a developing economy, which it will be interesting…


Top 5 islands of Thailand for night parties
Thailand is one of the best places for lovers of noisy parties. Every year millions…
