Holidays in Israel
Israel is a country located in the Middle East. Different parts of Israel border on…

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9 topical travel insurance questions
Travel Security Often the vouchers are bought in advance, for several months of the trip,…


Holiday in Thailand
After a long work requires rest. It is best to hold it not only interesting,…


Bhutan - the land of the dragon thunder in the Himalayas
Bhutan is a small mountainous country in the Eastern Himalayas, between Tibet (China) and India.…

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more than fifty

The most unusual natural sights of Brazil

Brazil is a country of unusual natural attractions: huge waterfalls, amazing deserts, swamps and jungles, thousands of islands and nature reserves.
Lencois-Maranensis National Park
There is one interesting place in Brazil that does not cease to amaze the Brazilians themselves – this is the National Park Parque Nacional dos Lencois Maranhenses, on the territory of which there is a wonderful area, where white sand dunes up to 40 meters high are adjacent to bright fresh lakes. Such a fantastic landscape stretches over 1550 square meters. km! An interesting neighborhood of sand and water creates amazing natural pictures. Continue reading

Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh, where better?

When they talk about holidays in Egypt, Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh, the two largest tourist centers of the country, are most often mentioned.
Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh, where better?
Both of these resort cities are thoroughly mastered by millions of Russian tourists who come here on vacation every year, because of the abundance of reviews on the Internet you can safely make some generalizations and conclusions. Continue reading

Useful tips for tourists traveling in Asia

To rest in colorful Asia did not cause you harm to health, did not empty the wallet and did not spoil the mood, you should follow some simple rules of conduct.
Certainly for each country has its own particular nuances, but there are also common for all of Asia, which are better to follow.
Traveling around Asia
How to avoid becoming a victim of food poisoning Continue reading

Mysterious country of fairy tales - India
One of the most amazing and unusual countries in the world is India! It amazes…


Rest in the Altai Mountains
All on Altai! In the Altai Mountains! Perhaps it is from this appeal should start…


Bhutan - the land of the dragon thunder in the Himalayas
Bhutan is a small mountainous country in the Eastern Himalayas, between Tibet (China) and India.…
